
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Gumball Machine Word Work (freebie)

I saw this idea over at Shari Sloane's site, Kidscount1234.  I changed mine a bit because I prefer my word work sheets to have little to no extra wording and I wanted to have some extra spaces for them to write in.

Basically put whatever words you want on the decorative gems like you can buy at the Dollar Tree.  Put them in a gumball machine.  The students get a 'gumball' out and write the word on their sheet.


Mrs. C said...

Totally cute and totally fun... Thanks! Stop on over and join the Linky Party and the giveaway!

Mrs. D said...

I've been looking for a cute gumball machine printable! Thanks!! :)

Meredith said...

LOVE the freebie and great job embedding the google doc!
Keen on Kindergarten

Busy Bees said...

Love the gumball freebie. I love anything gumballs!! Can't wait to print it out!

Tina said...

Love it! Just found your blog and am now a follower!

Bigbird said...

I'm so anxious to see the gumball machine word work. But, on the site it shows that the webpage can't be displayed. Is anybody else having this issue? Thanks for sharing.
Robin (Bigbird)

Mrs. I said...

Hmmm....not sure what the problem is. It is working for me. If you leave your email, I can send it to you!

Cathy I.

Kristy said...

It is sooo funny that you posted this today! A couple of days ago, I had the same idea about the using the gumball machine, but I was looking for a printable to go with it. I did create one, but yours is cuter. Check mine out on my blog:
Teachin' First

Mrs. I said...

If you are having trouble downloading let me know and I can email it to you. Just make sure to put your email address in the comments or email me!


Cathy I.

Tonya said...

It's not working for me either. Would you mind emailing it? Thank you so much! I'm excited to use it this year!

Allison said...

It's not working for me either! My email is Thanks!!

Melissa Williams said...
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Jennifer K. said...

It wasn't working for me either, but then I clicked on the link that said "go back to previous page" and it showed up for me. So, if anyone else has the problem where they can't see it, try that :) This is such a cute idea, now I just have to go find a gumball machine lol!

Jennifer @ Herding Kats In KIndergarten

Bigbird said...

Thank you Jennifer for your tip. I tried it and showed up. I did go to the store to download it. Thanks again for sharing. Can't wait to use it in my room!!

Melissa Williams said...

Thanks for linking to Kindergarten CCSS links!

First Grade Frame of Mind

Amber Unger said...

I love Shari Sloane's stuff and the fact that she shares! I use this idea in my classroom. I plan to also blog about it and I will be sure to send bloggers your way. :)